By Ken Korkow – Have you ever considered that sometimes, doing good things can be the wrong things to do? When the Titanic struck the iceberg, the ship custodians might have been preparing to mop the floors. But a good thing like that definitely wasn’t what was needed right then. Life presents us with many “good
By Robert J. Tamasy – “Business would be so much easier – if it weren’t for the people.” Have you ever heard this, or thought something like it yourself? If so, you’re not alone, because the vast majority of problems we encounter in life and work have something to do with people. However, eliminating people is
By Jim Langley – What do you engage in that brings you great joy? Does your work, or other activities that you regularly pursue, bring you a sense of pleasure? I can tell you from personal experience there is nothing more exhilarating than knowing you are in God’s will, doing what He wants you to do
By Rick Boxx – Jealousy. One dictionary definition of this term is, “feeling resentment against someone because of that person’s rivalry, success, or advantage, or against another’s success or advantage itself…a jealous feeling, disposition, state, or mood.” Is this something you have experienced? Envy is a close cousin to jealousy, defined as “an emotion which occurs