Monthly Archives: April 2024

By Ken Korkow We all, in one way or another, have dealt with bankers. Probably on both personal and professional levels. Many of us also have had dealings with travel agents on occasion, whether for business or personal purposes. Have you ever considered that in one sense they are pretty much the same? Think about

By Jim Langley At one time in my life, I was greatly motivated by how much money I could accumulate. Pursuing wealth became a way of life. This is hardly a new or unique development, however. It has been true of people for thousands of years. Writing to his protégé Timothy, the Apostle Paul offered

By Robert J. Tamasy You show up for work on schedule, your mind already thinking through your plans for the day: meetings, deadlines, specific tasks, or projects you want to work on or finally complete. You feel totally in control. Until you realize you aren’t. One of the certainties of life and work is how

By Rick Boxx Stephen Phelan, a top executive with a major mortgage corporation, was speaking at a conference about his company’s approach to caring for their team members. After exploring the needs of their teammates, the company concluded everyone had three common needs within the workplace. He said everyone needs: 1) friends at work, 2) friends during