Monthly Archives: September 2024

By Jim Langley     You have probably noticed just how complex life has become. Business and professional people scan through hundreds of emails every workday to locate about a dozen relevant to their business. Even many retired individuals comment on how busy their lives have become even after their careers have ended. They often reflect on 

By Robert J. Tamasy  Emotions are curious things. We see them on display at weddings, sporting events, family gatherings, and in public demonstrations. They can range from joy and happiness, with smiles and laughter, to deep sadness with tears and agonized cries. They can reflect high-spirited enthusiasm or deep-seated anger. In the home, emotions can

By Rick Boxx     Every year the first Monday in September is designated Labor Day to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers. Unfortunately, research is showing appreciating and understanding the value of work is on a steady decline. A Gallup study, for example, indicated employee engagement declined in 2022 to 32 percent.