Monday Manna

By Rick Boxx – Richard Blackaby, an author and international speaker, tells the story about a businessman who expressed frustration that God had been silent when he sought wisdom about whether to accept an offer for a new job. This man claimed he had taken the job because he did not hear from God. It turned out

By Austin Pryor – As a financial advisor for more than 40 years, I have witnessed many shifts in the economy, sometimes happening very rapidly. When economic factors make sudden changes, many investors feel a very uncomfortable emotion – fear. It is hard to feel confident about investments when factors outside our control wreak havoc on

By Robert J. Tamasy – Many of us in the business and professional world have oriented our lives to a singular focus – the pursuit of success. But have you ever stopped to seriously consider what success really is? That thought reminds me of the dog that delights in chasing cars. One passes by and

By Robert D. Foster  –  Whenever I think about work, I am reminded of a quote from British sculptor Henry Moore: “What is the secret to life? It is to have a task, something you can devote your entire life to, something you bring everything to, every minute of the day for the rest of

By Rick Boxx  –  Stress at work – have you ever experienced it? We certainly cannot expect to go through every workday stress-free. We have production schedules, presentation deadlines, budgets, as well as the demands and expectations of our job descriptions. Workplace pressures are unavoidable. However, studies have shown excessive stress on the job can

By Jim Mathis – Sometimes we hear some say, about things they enjoy doing, “That is my calling.” But what is this mysterious thing we sometimes refer to as “calling”? Experience has taught me that calling is that place where our interests, giftedness, and opportunity intersect, the “sweet spot” where we excel. Giftedness and talent are terms

By Robert J. Tamasy – One of the most valuable, yet underappreciated, documents for both hiring and managing people is the job description. Designed for both employer and employee, it describes the duties, responsibilities, and expectations for a particular job so both clearly understand what is expected. Years ago, when I was hired by CBMC to serve

By Jim Langley – Over the course of my life, I have often considered a career in coaching. I have enjoyed helping someone with their golf swing, since I have a good grasp of the fundamentals of the game and play fairly well. I also wondered about coaching baseball – but realized I had been away

By Rick Boxx  –  Speaking at our Summit, a conference sponsored by Unconventional Business Network, Terry Looper, author of Sacred Pace, made an interesting observation. He believes that everyone should strive to work in their areas of giftedness 80 percent of the time. We might term this “staying in your lane,” using the traffic metaphor

By Ken Korkow – We had a major construction job at my family’s ranch where we have established facilities for serving military veterans who have suffered serious injury – physical, mental, and emotional – in combat. The building required considerable repairs and we needed the work completed as soon as possible. An individual came to discuss the