By Jim Langley – A while ago I was having a series of discussions with a young man about his new-found faith in Jesus Christ, focusing especially on what really matters in life and work. Having a proper focus can dramatically change the course of our individual lives. For instance, when a team is focused, whether in
By Rick Boxx – Many salespeople have told me a similar story. When the pressure to produce rises, they begin hearing their bosses instruct them, “If you get someone on the phone, tell them whatever you have to in order to close the sale.” In essence, these salespeople are commanded to lie to gain customers. This creates a dilemma
By Robert J. Tamasy – Have you ever stopped to reflect on the seemingly random events that have contributed to where you are professionally to this point? Whether we’re just getting started in a career, midway through it, or nearing the end of our vocational life, many factors have influenced how we arrived at the present moment.
By Matt Bell – Think about one of the greatest gifts you have received. I am not talking about something you found under the tree one Christmas morning. Think bigger, more miraculous. Maybe it was a time when you were out of work and a job materialized that could not be traced to all the resumes you
By Jim Mathis – Being a creative person by nature, I have always been interested in many forms of artistry, including going to art and craft fairs to see many examples of individual creativity. What I have found at those events has changed greatly through the years. Art and craft fairs began to spring up around the
By Rick Boxx – Over the course of my career, I have worked with large corporations and small businesses. I have personally preferred working in small businesses because of several advantages they can offer. The first is local decision-making authority. When I worked in banking, nothing frustrated customers more than being told their loan request had been
By Robert J. Tamasy – Have you noticed how easy it is to start any kind of endeavor, but how hard it often is to finish it? This is one reason businesses fail. Someone has a brilliant idea and begins a new enterprise with boundless enthusiasm, but then adversity strikes, followed by discouragement and defeat. Doors that
By Ken Korkow – It is very sad – and damaging – when parents, businesses and even government institutions fail – or refuse – follow sound, time-tested biblical principles. Parents continue to support their children well into adulthood, either because the young people have fallen hopelessly into debt or simply lack the motivation to move out and
By Sergio Fortes – One of the traditional mainstays of the business and professional world is the agenda. It is not just the calendars and time management books where appointments, tasks, and daily activities are recorded. It also refers to the top executive’s primary areas of emphasis, the demands he or she must respond to, and the
By Robert J. Tamasy – “Legacy” is a term we hear a lot these days. Perhaps as people get older, they wonder how they will be remembered, if at all. If you were to build an enduring legacy, what would you want it to be? A substantial financial portfolio, reflecting the rewards of professional success? Maybe