Monday Manna

By Fritz Klumpp – It was an impressive meeting. Gathered together were admirals, generals, captains, colonels, corporate CEOs, medical doctors, professors. Influential men of various ranks and professions. None of their successes and failures were apparent, however, for without their uniforms they all looked the same. The gathering was a trip down memory lane, our U. S. Naval Academy

By Robert J. Tamasy – The adage from years ago informed us the only things certain in life are death and taxes. Those two remain constant, at least in most countries, but there is at least one other certainty we all must confront: Change. Just as surely as the sun will rise in the east every morning,

By Jim Langley – There was a time when a simple handshake was as good as a contractual agreement signed by two or more parties. For the most part, those days have been gone for a long, long time. In fact, even signed contracts are often broken and contested more than we might imagine. As a result,

By Rick Boxx – Years ago, while on a flight in South Africa, I met a young lady named Emma. At the time she was an event planner, and spoke enthusiastically about her career, although uncertain about where it eventually would lead. I enjoy meeting with people who are excited about their work and callings. Recently I

By Robert J. Tamasy – In the business and professional world, we admire strong and bold leaders. Stakeholders in companies typically look for proud, assertive individuals to head their organizations, whose courage, confidence, and determination seem unshakable. In His “sermon on the mount,” Jesus Christ declared, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth”

By Jim Mathis – In difficult economic times, many of us have friends or relatives in need. We want to do whatever we can to help. The easy thing may be to just give them some money. A gift card to the grocery store or paying a utility bill can be a big relief for somebody

By Robert J. Tamasy – How do you feel when a server in a restaurant is friendly, seems genuinely interested in you, and is prompt in attending to your needs? Or a sales rep who demonstrates eagerness is doing more than earning a commission – who goes the extra mile whenever a problem arises that requires

By Rick Boxx – There is a disease afflicting the workplace that receives little attention, but it’s devastating. This “disease” is gossip, the practice of repeating disparaging, demeaning, and often deceitful information about other people. It destroys relationships, damages employee morale, and can poison any workplace environment. Gossip was a sport to Jennifer, one of my

By Robert J. Tamasy – This year in the United States, May 30 marks the observance of Memorial Day, an annual day for remembering the sacrifices of many thousands of men and women who died while serving in the military. It originated in the days following the U.S. Civil War. While not celebrating war, the annual

By Fritz Klumpp – “Where did I come from?” “Why am I here?” “Where am I going?” These are the three most important questions anyone could ask themselves at any time. Fifty years ago, I came to the realization that for these questions, I had no answers. Over time, this troubled me more and more. Through