By Rick Boxx – One day my friend Don informed me that he had determined to begin acquiring businesses in related fields so he would be able to sell his customers more products and services – and be able to make more money. More sales can translate into more revenue, which usually means more profits. So
By Jim Mathis – Because staying at home during the Covid-19 pandemic seemed wise, I felt like I had aged by a couple of years over the first months. I had not been eating too much or watching too much TV. And it was not because I was not doing anything, because I used the time
By Robert J. Tamasy – Many of us spend 40 hours or more at work, whether in a traditional office, traveling from city to city, or increasingly, from our homes. The home office, or “hoffice” as some have called it, has shifted from being a rarity in years past to commonplace – especially in the
By Luis Cervino – As business and professional people, executives and entrepreneurs, every day we deal with employees. We hire them, give them job descriptions and responsibilities, and compensate them for their time and talents. But how many of them do we truly know? We have resumes to tell us about educational and employment backgrounds. We
By Rick Boxx – One of the challenges of being a follower of Christ in the marketplace is understanding how to integrate our faith effectively into what we do. In his book, God at Work, author David Miller addresses this question. He highlights four different facets of faith at work with what he calls his “Integration
By Robert J. Tamasy – Over the years, I have had the privilege of meeting many unforgettable men and women of God, often through CBMC. One of these was Robert D. Foster, who entered the presence of the Lord in 2016, at the age of 96. A simple philosophy guided his life: “Life is worth
By Jim Mathis – In the 21st century, America holds a dubious distinction: It has become known for generating the most lawsuits of any society ever. This is evident by the many ads on TV, radio and billboards promoting law firms aggressively seeking new clients. Some people say the problem is too many lawyers, all eager
By Robert J. Tamasy – Years ago, I had the privilege of co-authoring a book with a friend, Ken Johnson, based on his experiences of raising sheep near his rural home. The Bible has a lot to say about sheep, so learning from him and writing about the curious behavior that sheep exhibit was both educational
By Jim Langley – Have you noticed how easy it is to focus on the trials and tribulations that surround us these days? Many have lost touch with reality as they sadly deal with limited opportunities to socialize and carry on a fairly normal lifestyle. What I suggest we all might wisely do instead is, face
By Rick Boxx – How would you define “greatness”? Or to put it another way, what would it require to achieve true greatness in the business and professional world? Some would connect greatness with the attaining of mass amounts of material wealth. Others might say that to be great, one would have to earn high status