By Rick Boxx Every year the first Monday in September is designated Labor Day to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers. Unfortunately, research is showing appreciating and understanding the value of work is on a steady decline. A Gallup study, for example, indicated employee engagement declined in 2022 to 32 percent.
By Gary Tenpenny (Editor’s Note: This is the second of two parts.) Last week I wrote about how I discovered the value of a quiet getaway, not only for business planning but also – and more important – to address the spiritual dimension of life. My encouragement for you is that you resolve to get
By Gary Tenpenny (Editor’s Note: This is the first of two parts.) Several years ago, a friend suggested a getaway to a retreat center once every quarter to do business planning. He said this was helping him keep on track with his goals personally and in his business. As a goal-driven person, I took his
By Robert J. Tamasy Have you ever noticed how many functional things come in twos? A bicycle, for instance, not only has two wheels and tires but also two pedals. Can you imagine trying to participate in a bicycling competition with only one pedal? Airplanes can fly with a single engine, but if one
By Rick Boxx Leadership. There are many perspectives on what a conventional leader looks like, but years of experience have taught me that if we are serious about living out our faith in today’s marketplace, what is required is unconventional leadership. Here are some examples: 1) Unconventional priorities. A boss once asked me to sign
By Marty Hardell – Years ago, I worked with a professional engineer I will call Jim – a very religious man known for his stoic, professional demeanor. Initially wary of the beliefs of colleagues from different denominations, Jim found himself drawn into a discipleship relationship that would change his life forever. Engaging in weekly lunchtime discussions
By Robert J. Tamasy – Have you ever been on a treasure hunt? They come in a variety of forms. Some involve a crudely drawn treasure map like legendary pirates of centuries ago followed. An ‘X’ marked where their treasure had been hidden. Some treasure hunts are progressive, with ‘hunters’ guided by one clue that
By Jim Mathis – It has often been said that we are the average of our five closest friends. I do not know if actual data can back up this statement, but it seems to make sense. We tend to enjoy spending time most with people who are like us. Chances are our best friends
By Robert J. Tamasy – Having spent the entirety of my career in communications – first as a newspaper editor, then magazine editor, director of publications and communications, and book author and editor – the art and complexity of communicating have always fascinated me. We employ myriad means for conveying our messages. Communication has evolved
By Rick Boxx – We all would like to think that following the Bible’s high standards of doing business always result in success, but that is not reality. It can be especially frustrating when unethical, unscrupulous people seem to thrive while we are struggling to do right. This conundrum is as old as history. In