Monday Manna

By Rick Boxx – In my career, I have started businesses without God, and I have started some with God. That is, in some cases I determined what kind of business to start and handled all the details on my own, without any consultation with God. For others, I took the time to pray, seeking

By Robert J. Tamasy – How would you evaluate your current work situation? Is it the best job you have ever had? Is it adequate for the moment, but only a steppingstone for where you would like your career to go in the future? Are you actively looking for a better opportunity? Or is it

By Ken Korkow – Do you desire to become a worldly success? There are a number of possible approaches to achieving this goal, but one of the most tried and true strategies is to focus on leadership. In other words, discover how to get other people to do what you want. They perform much of the

By Jim Langley  For business and professional leaders in many nations, the issue of aging employees has become an important matter for discussion. In some countries, such as the United States, people in the workplace are getting older on average. Some companies have age limits established for mandatory retirement, but should people’s right to extend

By Robert J. Tamasy – More than 26 years ago Tim Philpot, serving as President of CBMC International at the time, conceived the idea for a weekly workplace meditation called “Monday Manna.” Initially it was sent by fax, going out every Monday morning to anyone who requested it, with the goal of encouraging, challenging and

By Rick Boxx – Since the Microsoft Corporation has millions of people using their software products, they have gained valuable insights into work habits. For instance, on average, employees surveyed spend 57 percent of their time using office software for communication and meetings. About two-thirds of them also say they struggle to find time and

By Robert J. Tamasy – Ready or not, the calendar year is rapidly coming to a close. This means it is time once again to celebrate two holidays many of us find very meaningful – Christmas and New Year’s Day. This week we will focus on the annual Christmas observance; next week we will look

By Stephen R. Graves – It does not matter what is wrong. Whether you have a fever, a broken arm, or a missing limb, a visit to the doctor always seems to start the same way. After waiting, you are guided to an empty room and asked to sit on an examining table with what

By Rick Boxx – Dr. Richard Blackaby was talking with a group of business and professional leaders in Iowa about a time when his father, Henry, was invited to speak to a group of Fortune 500 CEOs. It was amazing for him to see a gathering of such high-ranking corporate executives in one place, especially