By Robert J. Tamasy – More often than we would like, we hear sad, sometimes scandalous stories of prominent leaders found guilty of moral or ethical wrongdoing. Someone who built a strong reputation and earned the respect and admiration within their profession seeing it all suddenly destroyed when misdeeds came to light. How could this happen? We
By Rick Boxx – The vision of the organization I direct, Unconventional Business Network, is to see one million business leaders modeling biblical principles in their workplaces. Therefore, trust in the authority and reliability of the Bible is foundational. Recently while interviewing a job candidate, I asked the applicant about her view of the Bible. She told
By Robert J. Tamasy – We live in an unusual time. More and more, people seem unwilling to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. For some, it has become a case of casting blame on others – people, specific institutions, or society in general – and assuming the role of victim. If they fail, they believe
By Stephen R. Graves – Often the most difficult decisions business and professional leaders must make are not between issues that are black and white – obviously right or wrong – but between two shades of gray. For instance, a CEO friend who owns a family business is pondering firing his unethical sister. Another of my friends is
By Robert J. Tamasy – My cooking “skills” are extremely limited. I cook a hotdog, open a can of soup and heat it up, and I can fry or scramble an egg. However, I am blessed having a wife whose capabilities at cooking are much greater than she likes to admit. So, I do not lack for
By Rick Boxx – My wife, Kathy, makes it a habit to stop people wearing a military or police uniform and thank them for their service. Lately, she has begun doing the same thing with waiters and waitresses. I have noticed many restaurant employees seem to be feeling overwhelmed lately, resulting in more opportunities for Kathy to
By Jim Mathis – Recently I was honored to be asked to speak to a group of businessmen on the subject, “How we do anything is how we do everything.” This idea is closely connected with integrity. Integrity comes from the same root word as integer, which means “one” and “integrate” – meaning all together. The thought
By Robert J. Tamasy – From time to time, we see videos of a large building being imploded. Explosives planted at strategic points are detonated in precise sequence and suddenly, “Boom!” Within seconds a structure that may have taken years to construct is destroyed, transformed into little more than rubble. Many of us still vividly remember the
By Jim Langley – Life is a process. We might have similar experiences, but every person deals with problems and challenges a bit differently based upon their unique circumstances. The key is recognizing the process and embracing it. This is what I have found most significant in my life journey. This is not to suggest in any
By Robert J. Tamasy – Have you ever had a boss that whenever he or she were out of the office, it was a time for celebration. I was fortunate to have several superiors I reported to that I enjoyed being around, but there were a couple bosses whose absence would cause me to exhale a breath