Monday Manna

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Enthusiasm in Spite of Failure
Ways Being in Business Can Shape Faith
Learning to Thrive in the Best Environment
‘True For You, But Not For Me’?
Just Getting By vs. Pursuing Excellence
Workplace Stress Abounds Worldwide
Goals for Making the New Year Better. Even the Best
What if There Had not Been a First Christmas?
Wisdom and Understanding for the Workplace
The Joy of Being Zealous Stewards
The Four C’s of Hiring
‘Thanksgiving Day’ Can Be Every Day
The Power of Speaking the Right Words
The Four Dangers of Success
Following a Winding Vocational Path
Letting Go of Little Failures
The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence
With Variable Labor, Make Culture a Constant
Professional and spiritual calling redefined
Gaining the respect of coworkers
Considering the wonder of leadership
Striving for simplicity in a complex world
Emotions in business: good or bad?
Rediscovering Purpose and Calling
Too Busy for Time Alone – With God? (Part 2)
Too Busy for Time Alone – With God? (Part 1)
The Power and Impact of Working in Twos
The Art of Unconventional Leadership
A Personal Story of Transformation
Do You Know Where Your Treasure Is?
We are The Average of Our Five Closest Friends
Investing Time to Care, Listen and Connect
Considerations before Closing a Business
What Travel Agents and Bankers Have in Common
To Win Life’s Relay Race, Don’t Drop the Baton
Not Becoming Consumed With the Love of Money
Feeling in Control – Reality or Illusion?
Identifying and Meeting Your Team’s Needs
What Is Your ‘Go-To’ Strategy?
What is the heartbeat of your mission?
The importance of serving others
Finding encouragement in discouraging times
A working career – time for many relationships
To arrive safely, it is wise to stay in the boat
Differences between a boss and a leader
The benefits of working with God
Confirming the work of our hands
Two perspectives on success
Addressing the aging dilemma
God’s message for the global marketplace
Overcoming unproductive work habits
The New Year is almost here – are you ready?
Getting to the real meaning of Christmas
The amazing power of purpose
Benefiting from unhurried time with God
The power of discipline at work – and in life
The what, who and why of thanksgiving
Don’t let people or circumstances steal your joy
Visionaries vs. the financially driven
The leader ‘washing the feet’ of team members
‘Quit’ has no place in our vocabulary
Quiet desperation, or joyful anticipation?
Setting healthy work boundaries
10 rules for successful farming – and living
Has someone or something moved your ‘cheese’?
Seeking hope in seemingly hopeless times
Affirming the dignity of work
The value of the long view of life
Serving others – and being treated like a servant
Not growing a business – can that be a good plan?
The snares of success
Your ‘brand’ is a reflection of who you are
Things worth knowing about finances
Coping with the shadows of daily life
Strength through accountability
Business and the reliability of the Bible
Taking responsibility and doing the work
The both/and approach to decision making
The success ‘recipe’ requires the right ingredients
The amazing power of pleasant words
How we do anything is how we do everything
Building to avoid an implosion
The joy of embracing the process
Keep vigilant: the boss might come today
Listening to God – but not really listening
Adversity: an opportunity to grow
The relentless, unrewarding pursuit of success
The secret to life – and work
Setting healthy work boundaries
Capitalizing on the concept of personal calling
The importance of ‘staying in your lane’
Lessons learned through failure
Benefiting from timeless, proven communication
The story of the foolish businessperson
Making decisions according to the 24-hour rule
Your part is not the only part
Monuments or memories?
Set goals, formulate plans – and pray
The five big questions of life
Business and the reliability of the bible
Planning to start the new year well
The search for the meaning of christmas
Focusing on what really matters
The salesperson’s dilemma
Ever wonder how you got to where you are?
The day thanks went missing
Striving for quality in everything
The advantages of a small business
Lack of perseverance and its severe consequences
Avoiding the dependency trap
Taming agendas and their unrelenting demands
A legacy that lasts – fruit that won’t spoil
Using words as a weapon – in the best way
Consider using the phrase, ‘so that…’
Do you have a succession plan?
Enjoy the blessing of giving while you can
The amazing paradox of rest
Genetics, circumstances, and choices
Taking an honest look at mortality
Perspectives from another side
The pitfalls of perfectionism
Deliberately developing discernment
Not one of us is as smart as all of us
Starting a business God’s way (part 2)
Starting a business God’s way (part 1)
Making ethical choices in a gray world
Caught in the loop of negativity?
‘True for you, but not for me’ – is this true?
5 steps from struggling to thriving in business
The tough task of ‘watchful waiting’
Finding contentment in a world of discontent
The powerful impact of our attitude
What is holding you back?
Does your business have a prayer?
Do you sometimes wish you were different?
We can trust biblical principles for the workplace
Understanding that joy might not mean happiness
Whose side are you on?
Planning for the future in uncertain times
Christmas – the holiday that cannot be canceled
Sometimes ‘know-it-alls’ know nothing
Uncovering and utilizing your unique gifts
The importance of making informed decisions
Cultivating an attitude of gratitude
Overcoming the consuming love of money
Why we can trust the best business book ever
Rebuilding your reputation
Are we all guilty of not telling the truth at work?
Racing for the gold – but is it the right race?
Others can help, but we must do the work
Resiliency is the new strategy
When good gets in the way of the best
People – problems, or possibilities?
Do you feel his pleasure?
The destructive power of jealousy
It is important to take time to celebrate
Is it true that money can buy happiness?
‘Why do i do what i do?’ a question all should ask
When talent is not enough
To have an impact, tell your story
Taking a stance for ‘spiritual conformity’
Learning to tame the dog named ‘ego’
Marks of a faithful investor in uncertain times
Becoming a player in the eternal game
Why are so many of us so fearful?
Who comes first – the leader or the followers?
Adaptability, a tool for facing changes
Small businesses can benefit from trust
When adversity strikes, how resilient are you?
Financial lessons from the tortoise and the hare
Maybe it is time to reconsider the bottom line
Where would we be without ‘unsung heroes’?
The Wisdom of examining motives
The ‘missing’ pandemic: Missing people we care about
Pursuing your Profession with passion
Actions, consequences and forgiveness
Going to work with the ‘integration box’
Capitalizing on the power of our words
Make going to court a last resort
Are you leading, or nipping at people’s heels?
Facing fear with a focus on faith
The benefits of pursuing true greatness
Wanted: organizational vision
If you are needing a ship, why not just build one?
Perspectives from time and experience
Visions for the future in unprecedented times
Overcoming what goes on ‘behind the curtain’
What is your perception of work?
What ‘experts’ don’t tell us about contentment
Never underestimate the value of a friend
After the ‘worst of times,’ planning for better times
Determining what christmas is really all about
All good leaders have a limp
The potential downside of expertise